thumb nail (2).png

My Roles

UX/UI Designer






Competitive Analysis

User Research

User Personas

User Flows

Information Architecture

Mood Board

Wireframing & Prototyping

Style Guide


Why did I choose Lieferando?

With people stuck at home due to the COVID-19 outbreak, there has been a high demand for food delivery services. While dine-in has dropped way down during the pandemic and introducing contactless delivery options to eliminate the risk of spreading the virus, food delivery has grown considerably.

Lieferando is a food delivery app that helps when we are busy, lazy, or want to have our favorite food at our doorstep. As a frequent user of Lieferando, I have to face some difficulties in the overall user experience. So, I would like to take this opportunity to redesign this app.

Disclaimer: Before I start I would like to say that the redesign Lieferando app is my personal project and I was not commissioned by them. The app has not been introduced or implemented.


The Process

BML Loop (4).png


BML Loop (3).jpg

Competitive Analysis

After Delivery Hero left the market in Germany, Lieferando becomes the monopoly in the food delivery services. Now with Wolt, the competition begins where Wolt’s business model is different from Lieferando. Uber Eats also adds more movement to the market. With new players such as Wolt and UberEats, there is more choice and more competition.

After doing analysis the core differences between them are:

Wolt and Uber Eats have separate sections like nearby, popular foods, etc… whereas Lieferando has a list of restaurants to scroll down.

SWOT Analysis of Lieferando

SWOT Analysis of Lieferando


User Research

In order to gain some insights, I have studied the user reviews from apple and google play store. Here are my findings of the issues that users are facing.

  • Bad delivery tracking and customer support.

  • Not able to see favorite restaurants in the favorites list.

  • Not able to rate the food and delivery.

Positive and negative reviews from app store and play store

Positive and negative reviews from app store and play store


User Persona & User Journey Map

I have created a User persona using the insights in order to identify the problem areas and hidden opportunities.

Simran is a UX Designer, lives in Berlin. She used to order food when she would like to have her favorite food for lunch or dinner. She thinks that Lieferando is a great way to order some appetizing food but she feels difficult to find the perfect restaurant to order.

User Persona

User Persona

User Journey Map

User Journey Map


User Flow


Information Architecture

Sitemap (2).jpg

Further Opportunities

With the gathered insights, I have generated a variety of opportunity areas or features. While validating I hark back to a quote by Steve Jobs.

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” — Steve Jobs

After brainstorming the insights, below are the validated features with desired design solutions.

  • Intuitive menu to discover new restaurants and cuisines.

  • Show nutritional information for health-conscious users.

  • Clear food-tracking interface.


Mood Board

Mockup 2 (15).png



Low-fidelity Wireframes

Low fidelity 1.GIF
Low fidelity 2.GIF
Loe fidelity 3.GIF

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes


Interface (2).gif


Onboarding screens will provide a glimpse of how the app works.


Home and Search Screens

The new categorization makes users easier to understand all the available choices on the Home screen.

In home screen, users can find nearby restaurants and different categories for food. Users can also easily navigate to the search screen and search based on restaurants and food. (4).gif (7).gif

Customize Order

Users can easily select food and customize the order based on their taste.



User can track their food delivery from ongoing orders in the orders list. (5).gif

Rating for food and delivery

Once an order is delivered, users can share their feedback about food and delivery service.

 Responsive Designs


And….That’s a wrap!

Redesign of the Lieferando project was a great opportunity for me to learn a lot of things in the design process. In this journey, I like researching before jumping into the work, documenting what I have learned and achieved, and finally organizing the data. The secret sauce is DESIGN FEEDBACK early or often. Without feedback, there’s no way to know the right direction.

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”
Pablo Picasso

